This program of activities is specifically designed for young people, students, and schools, offering a different approach to science—one that is more emotional and participatory. Through debate, creativity, and multidisciplinary approaches, the program aims to show students the potential of scientific careers as future opportunities.


Badamonia is a technological experiment in creativity and artificial intelligence promoted by the Épica La Fura dels Baus Foundation, the Computer Vision Center of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Col·legi Badalonès. The project, framed within the 25th anniversary of Badalona City Council’s Crema’l Tu competition, aims to prepare a co-creative proposal for the design of the Dimoni for the 2024 May Festival. The design will be generated by training an artificial intelligence from the drawings of the students of Col-legi Badalonès, highlighting the debate and ethics around these technological tools.


Logo CVC

ExperimentAI is a citizen science project that brings artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision to the general public. It showcases cutting-edge technology from CVC at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in public libraries of the city, which serve as spaces for exploring social transformation through knowledge exchange. Through sessions ExperimentAI offers interactive workshops, debates, demonstrations, and games. These activities allow the public to experience innovative AI projects and consider their future societal impact.

Petits osceanògrafs

The Little Oceanographers project brings the ocean to the classroom for 10-12-year-old pupils and takes the classroom to the ocean through experiments, campaign follow-ups, and a mini-campaign on a historic boat. The project culminates in a Little Oceanographers’ Congress, where 150 students present the results of their research at the ICM-CSIC.